Past Projects Archive

Anima Mundi Museum Entrance Project
- 2022
Anima Mundi, “soul of the world”, is a collection of 80,000 objects representing the artistic, cultural, and spiritual traditions, and testimonies from people around the world.

Restoration of the Bramante Courtyard
- 2021
Restoration of the Bramante Courtyard RESTORATION OF THE BRAMANTE COURTYARD Total cost €7.7 million APAVM contribution €500,00 Period: 2020 - 2021 Duration: 1 Year

Holy Stairs Restoration
- 2020
Holy Stairs Restoration The restoration report of the Scala Santa According to an ancient tradition of St. Helena, the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine (280-337), transported from Jerusalem to Rome the staircase of Pontius Pilate’s Praetorian Palace, which Jesus Christ climbed for the Good Friday trial. This staircase permitted access from the piazza [...]

The Carriage Museum
- 2018
Carriage Museum Entrance Project FINAL OUTCOME – A SIMPLER ENTRANCE WITH A HANDICAPPED UTILITY ELEVATOR WAS EVENTUALLY COMPLETED IN THE SPRING OF 2021. The Carriage Museum Entrance Project was entrusted to the “Technical Service” department of the Vatican City which oversees all their construction projects. The project was delayed, as preference moved to the Bramante [...]

Three Taoist Paintings from Ming Dynasty
- 2018
Three Taoist Paintings from Ming Dynasty Period: 2018 Duration: 1 Year Cost of Restoration: $16,500.00

Amida Ngorai
- 2018
Amida Ngorai Period: 2018 Duration: 1 Year Cost of Restoration: $25,300.00

Empress Cixi Parlor sponsored by Ben & Kim Chang
- 2017
Empress Cixi Parlor sponsored by Ben & Kim Chang Period: 2017 Duration: 1 Year Cost of Restoration: €109,603.36

Painting of the Great Wall on Silk
- 2016
This scroll was once part of the collection of Cardinal Stefano Borgia. This long, horizontal scroll is a significant piece in the Vatican Museums’ collection because of its hight empirical value and history interest. The object is part of the oldest section of the Ethnological Museum, as shown in the…