Tags: museum

Pope Francis’ Message On Beauty And Culture
Dear Patrons and Friends,Today we would like to start by sharing with you an extract from a speech Pope Francis gave a few days ago. His Holiness' words hold...

Discoveries behind a restoration project
Dear Patrons and Friends, Since we launched our Wishbook 2021 we have been focusing on the projects that still need funding, in doing that we always like to stress...

Update On Our Crowdfunding Projects
Dear Patrons and Friends,When we launched our first crowdfunding project we did not know that it could lead to such great suceess. A few days ago the group of...

Patrons are back! Covering last visits to Rome
Dear Patrons and Friends, After a somber 2020 full of cancelled visits and isolated gatherings at our premises, the lifting of travel restrictions has finally allowed many of you...

Finally celebrating Raphael in the Vatican
Dear Patrons and Friends,After a yearlong delay, last week Raphael experts finally gathered in-person in the Raphael Hall of the Pinacoteca to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Raphael Sanzio’s...

Insiders Course Launching Soon!
WE ARE LAUNCHING SOON! Get unprecedented access to the Pope’s Museums through Semester III of our Insiders Course.The first module includes:LURE OF THE ANTIQUEOCTOBER 2021 On-Demand Insiders Video featuring...

Chapter Leaders Meeting in Houston
Dear Patrons and Friends,On September 18, the Leaders of our Chapters together with PAVM International Director Fr Kevin Lixey and the North American Service Office gathered in Houston, TX,...

Our Santa Barbara Retreat
Dear Patrons and Friends,Building a strong community to us means not only welcoming you to Rome and to the Vatican Museums but also reaching out to you all over...

Check out this month’s update from the Vatican!
Dear Patrons and Friends,Building a strong community to us means not only welcoming you to Rome and to the Vatican Museums but also reaching out to you all over...

Wishbook 2021 Spotlight
Dear Patrons and Friends,Our Wishbook is still full of projects ready to be adopted, that is why from now on we will shed a light on those artworks that...